Now that this part of Bach’s Quest has come to a close, it’s time to say a big “thank you” to everyone who helped along the way.
– First and foremost, the Culture Ministry in North-Rhine Westphalia, who, with their Corona Grant, afforded me the luxury of being able to spend as much time as possible with 6 of the most magnificent pieces of music written for the violin – and whilst doing so keeping me fed and sheltered.
– Peter Bach, descendant of Johann Sebastian, the first person I spoke to when I began organising the project, and whose various websites are extremely informative. Peter Bach recommended that I read the one fictional work that describes this very journey, written by
– Jens Johler: Die Stimmung der Welt, which is also available in an English translation. I corresponded with Jens Johler, who put me on the track of Hermann Kock, an amateur musicological sleuth who painstakingly attempted to record all the possible routes Bach may have taken on his many journeys in Germany. Hermann Kock’s pamphlet, 20.000 Kilometer auf der Spur des Johann Sebastian Bach, is currently out of print and not available in a library near me, so I contacted the publisher,
– Gotha Druck, where Frau Hartmann was able to locate a copy for me at the
– Bach Stammhaus in Wechmar museum, which, however, was closed, due to Covid hygiene restrictions. Despite this, Frau Bückinx at the museum kindly organised a copy to be sent to me so that I could plan my route as “historically” as possible.
– all the church musicians, ministers and church staff along the way, who were extremely helpful and welcoming: Johanna Bergmann and Pfarrerin Bomm in Ohrdruf; Oliver Stechbart, Pfarrer Begrich and Herr Wachsmann (the verger, whose sense of humour matched mine and who took some great photos of me (below) with the statue of the young JSB) in Mühlhausen; Anne Engel and Frau Prochnau in Wernigerode; Gerd-Peter Münden, Pfarrerin Götz and Frau Fischer in Braunschweig; Äbtissin Krüger in Ebstorf; Henning Voss and Pfarrerin Ideker in Lüneburg.
– Jörg Reddin, JSB’s 20th successor at the Bach Church in Arnstadt, who advised me on cycling in Thuringia, offered me the opportunity to use the church as a practice venue when I arrived in Arnstadt before leaving for Ohrdruf, and would have liked to have joined me on the cycle trip for the first few days.
– Erik Matz at the Marienkirche in Uelzen, who pointed out to me that Bach might well not have stopped over in Uelzen on his way to Lüneburg, since the town had been ravished by fire not long before, and that the church was still without an organ in 1700. He also pointed out that Bach may have taken the alternative route via Celle, due to the condition of the road, and it is this conversation which ultimately led to my deciding to perform in Ebstorf, since both possible routes meet exactly there.
– my graphic designer, Kerstin Klütsch, who helped and advised me on building and looking after this website and who created the (in my eyes fabulous) logo for Bach’s Quest.
– my social media adviser, Titus von Bernuth, who explained and set up TikTok and Instagram, and also built part of this site.
I hope I haven’t missed anyone out!
There were many Memorable Moments, here a few of my favourites:
– the member of staff at the Schlossmuseum in Arnstadt, who entertained me for a whole hour in the porcelain doll exhibition (blog post to follow), and who is a fount of witty anecdotes and obscure humorous historical facts.
– the two middle-aged cyclists who jovially accosted me with the words “Where are you off to with that piano?” on the journey from Arnstadt to Ohrdruf.
– the master restorer at Schloss Ehrenstein in Ohrdruf, who happened to be on site – officially closed to the public – and was happy to show me around and answer my questions.
– the hotel owner’s husband in Wernigerode, who greeted me with the words “What are you going to do with that television?”.
– being joined for dinner by the innkeeper’s dog in Hankensbüttel.
– the generous hospitality shown to me by Pfarrerin Ideker in Lüneburg, where I had no hotel, and who basically placed her house, a lot of her time, and some excellent cake at my disposal.
– my amazing friends who turned up for the service in Lüneburg, some of them travelling significant numbers of kilometres to do so, and who ensured that the Quest ended in style.

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